Rosedale Bison
The Kroeger's
We are strong supporters of the bison industry. Les has been very active on both the Canadian Bison Association (CBA) and Saskatchewan Bison Association (SBA). Serving as a Board Member on both as well as terms of Board Chair on each of the Boards, and is currently the Board Chair of the CBA. Kathy has had a career in education for her entire life, and recently completed her Doctorate in educational Leadership. Networking with people in all areas of livestock production, conservation, research and education have helped make better decisions for our operation.
With focus on improving soil health, quality in forages, and management practices, we are able to extend grazing times to over 300 days per year in most years and hope to continue to improve to 365 days a year of grazing in the future. This is part of the bison advantage. Bison are able to forage through deep snow cover, and have the ability to convert those grasses into high quality protein. Bison are well adapted to life on the prairies and do not require much attention.
Bison is the most successful conservation effort in history. From near extinction in the 1800’s, there are now nearly a half million bison in North America. We made the choice to maintain Plains Bison and participate in the Conservation Herd Registry Program through the CBA. We also work with other conservation groups like Species at Risk, Prairie Conservation Action Plan, Nature conservancy of Canada, and others. This has benefits not only for our livestock, but other wildlife as well. We want to let our customers know that by supporting us with purchases of bison products, they are helping to support conservation.

Our Strategy
Local Family Farm
A History
My father moved to this farm in the early 1950's and started a dairy operation. The evolution of the farm has seen many changes through the years including grain and beef production. We began raising bison in 1989 with the purchase of 4 cows. In 1992 we added 6 heifer calves from South Dakota, and that has been the foundation of our herd. Since that time, we put all land into forage production, expanded our land base and kept growing the herd.
-Les Kroeger, Owner